Join Ed’s Family Advisory Council (FAC)!
Family Advisory Council (FAC)
The Family Advisory Council is a group of Birmingham City Schools parents/guardians who convene once a month to provide advice and input on programs and opportunities that Ed can provide for BCS families and students. The Family Advisory Council will serve as Ed advocates and supporters within the Birmingham City Schools community through outreach and communication within their networks.
To view the full Role Description, visit
ED FAC Mini Grants
Are you a teacher or administrator in Birmingham City Schools? Do you have a project you need funded ASAP?
Ed Mini-Grants provide Birmingham City Schools educators, teachers, staff the opportunity to secure funding for programmatic or educational needs directly benefiting their students.
During the Spring of 2024, Ed has opened applications for our mini-grants cycle. These applicants must be Birmingham City Schools employees seeking funding for student-centered programs or projects. Applicants must meet the following criteria:
Birmingham City Schools employee
Projects or programs must take place between February 2024 and June 2024.
The funds must directly serve Birmingham City School students
Completed Request for Proposal (RFP) Required. Please email your completed RFP to Dr. Ashley Samuels at