Has COVID-19 impacted your abliity to access food? #BhamStrong is here to help. We’re working on coordinating meal deliveries and pickup spots around the city. Please fill out this survey so that we can match our food resources to fit your needs.
Do you have resources or a support program to help feed Birmingham residents affected by COVID-19? Please fill out this survey to help #BhamStrong populate a database to help coordinate our community’s food prep, delivery, and distribution resources.
AT&T —
All AT&T consumer home internet wireline customers, as well as Fixed Wireless Internet, can use unlimited data.
Additionally, AT&T will continue to offer internet access for qualifying limited income households at $10 a month through the Access from AT&T Program.
Public Wi-Fi hotspots open for any American who needs them.
Charter will offer free Spectrum broadband and Wi-Fi access for 60 days to households with K-12 and/or college students who do not already have a Spectrum broadband subscription and at any service level up to 100 Mbps. Installation will be waived for new student households.
Charter will open its Wi-Fi hotspots across its footprint for public use.
Comcast/Xfinity –
Xfinity WiFi hotspots across the country are available to anyone one needs them for free – including non-Xfinity internet subscribers.
Xfinity pausing all data plans for 60 days giving all customers Unlimited Data at no additional charge.
Low-income families who live in a Comcast service can sign-up for Internet Essentials, the nation’s largest comprehensive broadband adoption program. New customers will receive 60 days of complimentary Internet Essentials service, which is normally available to all quailed low-income household for $9.95/month.
Sprint (wireless) —,
By next Thursday, customers with metered data plans will receive unlimited data per month for 60 days (a minimum of two bill cycles) at no extra cost.
Sprint will provide customers with an additional 20GB of mobile hotspot data per month for 60 days (a minimum of two bill cycles) at no extra cost.
Coming soon, customers with mobile hotspot-capable handsets who don’t have mobile hotspot today will now get 20GB as well per month for 60 days (a minimum of two bill cycles) at no extra cost.
T-Mobile (wireless) —
All current T-Mobile customers on plans that have data are provided with unlimited smartphone data while on the T-Mobile network for the next 60 days (excluding roaming).
Providing T-Mobile and Metro by T-Mobile customers an additional 20GB of mobile hotspot/tethering service for the next 60 days – coming soon.
Working with Lifeline partners to provide customer extra free data op to 5GB of data per month over the next two months.
Birmingham Education Foundation has partnered with Birmingham City Schools to create and provide a collection of online distance learning resources for elementary, middle, and high school students to use during school closure.
Each list is features high-quality, vetted resources divided into subjects areas and includes instructions on how to access.
If you need more information or need additional support in setting up accounts, please reach out to Corinn O’Brien via email at
Elementary School Distance Learning Resources
Middle School Distance Learning Resources
High School Distance Learning Resources
Click here for more resources from Birmingham City Schools.